Project Description

Ruth Anne Larracas and Ignacio Sayajon
Over 4 billion people or 56% of the world’s population now live in cities; by 2050, 7 out of 10 people will be found in megacities. Cities demand more energy, food, water, shelter, and services compared to rural areas; they also produce more waste, pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
As we prepare for a world with worsening climate change impacts, urban areas need to be more selfsufficient and resilient, and city dwellers must build their own resiliency and capacity to produce their own food and energy. Our cities can look and function so much better, and we can contribute significantly in making this change. By using permaculture and other sustainable practices such as regenerative agriculture, waste reduction and management, and energy efficiency, we can redesign urban areas to meet our current needs while building our ability to face a challenging future.
This handbook aims to give a basic understanding of permaculture and how it can be applied to address many problems related to food, housing, energy, waste and other issues, with a focus on urban areas.