Who We Are

CREST is a not-for-profit organization working to advance policies and programs on climate and green energy. Established in 2015, CREST has built various community energy projects benefiting families of indigenous peoples, fisherfolks, upland farmers, environmental defenders, and marginalized members of society. We promote climate actions by providing technical support to cities, communities, and private institutions on renewable energy training, design and engineering, and access to green finance.

CREST is managed by deeply-committed leaders from diverse disciplines.

CREST is a member of the following international and local networks:

Our Story

CREST’s story starts with its founder, Roberto Verzola. Known to many as Ka Obet, he was an environmental justice activist and social scientist who pioneered the creation and adoption of open source systems. He was widely-regarded as the “Father of Philippine email” for setting up the first email systems for academic, civil organizations, and public institutions in the country.

Ka Obet started his work on renewable energy long before the establishment of the first solar PV farm in the country. His passion for promoting sustainable energy started with the campaign against the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant. In 2015, Ka Obet founded the Center for Renewable Electricity Strategies to push renewable energy policies and programs. CREST expanded its campaigns and was renamed to its current name, Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology. It is registered as a non-profit, non-stock company.

Ka Obet continued to dedicate his expertise to finding solutions to reduce technology costs and make renewable energy more affordable to Filipinos. He designed and developed prototypes of pico hydro made of off-the-shelf materials, and experimented on discarded motor engines as components for small-scale windmills.

We honor Ka Obet’s legacy by continuing his life’s work and mission to help our cities and communities build climate-resilient and sustainable systems.

Our Work

Research and Policy Advocacy

We publish briefing and policy papers, researches, and editorials to push forward climate and green energy policies. We also publish knowledge products in the form of handbooks, magazines, leaflets, and others. These easy-to-understand materials offer readers valuable information on how to adopt sustainable energy and climate actions in their own homes, workplace, schools and communities.

Raising public awareness

CREST joins the global climate movement in pushing forward a low-carbon, just and sustainable development framework. We use various channels and mediums in amplifying our advocacy.

Capacity-building for Multi-stakeholders

Our trainings have reached more than 5,000 city managers and community leaders from all regions in the country. We continue to expand our capacity-building program to reach more communities and leaders from different sectors: youth, indigenous peoples, women, agriculture, fisheries, industries and enterprises.

Enhancing Communities Access to RE (ECARE)

We support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 7 by bringing clean, renewable energy to last mile communities and poor families. Through the support of various partners from the public and private sector, we have established community-based renewable energy systems from the mountain villages to coastal areas, and have plans to build more.