Project Description

Solar PV Rooftop
Riedo Panaligan
Solar energy is the radiant light and heat coming from the sun. Solar energy is crucial for plants and trees to generate their food, circulate air, regulate global temperature and make life exist in the planet. Humans have been harnessing energy from the sun for centuries. However, the advent of technology helps us convert solar energy into electricity to be able to power our homes, provide lighting, drive appliances and increase our economic production.
As a tropical country, all areas of the Philippines receive an ample amount of solar radiation, making solar energy a viable and practically unlimited energy source that can be tapped by any community. The Philippines has an average of four (4) sun-hour, or the number of hours in a day when solar radiation reaches its peak value of 1000 watts per meter squared or 1 kW/m^2 . In Europe, where the use of solar energy for electricity was first popularized, most areas only receive an average of less than 2 sun-hour.
There are different ways to harness solar energy and use it for our day-today. This handbook will discuss the use of solar photovoltaic (PV) technology for electricity and power production.