Project Description

Ruth Anne Larracas
Biodigestion is a natural process of decomposing organic matter in an anaerobic (no oxygen) condition. For this process to happen, organic matter is fed and sealed in a closed container called a biodigester. Anaerobic decomposition (AD) can be found in ecosystems like swamps and peatlands. AD is different from usual composting practices where organic materials decompose in an aerobic manner.
Biodigestion has two main byproducts:
a) biogas that can be used in cooking or to create energy, and
b) digestate that is an effective fertilizer for plants and is a valuable soil conditioner.
Since 50-60% of the waste produced in the Philippines is biodegradable or organic, biodigestion offers a reliable and efficient way of managing municipal and agricultural waste. The system does not produce harmful chemicals or byproducts such as dioxins, which are produced through incineration or open burning of waste.