Project Description

CARE FOR CREATION: Harnessing Renewable Energy as a Climate Response

This publication is created by the Manila Episcopal Area Disaster Management Office (MEA DMO) supported by United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), and Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology (CREST).


Human activities have warmed the planet in the past 50 years, and climate change impacts are accelerating contributing to severe droughts, floods, typhoons, while spreading diseases like malaria, dengue and water-borne illnesses. It is damaging our critical ecosystems –– coral reefs, rainforests, marine, freshwater ecosystems. The world is on course to see entire island nations disappear.

These Biblico Theological Reflections were a combination of sifting out documents and presentations on environmental degradation and climate change from available online references, and citing of the previous BTR on Climate Change written by UMC pastors and from the resources on Care for Creation. The main objective of this study material is to Re-affirm our stewardship for Care for God’s Creation.